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Loving Surf: Best Surf School in Essaouira, Morocco

Loving Surf Essaouira Surf Kite School Camp Essaouira Morocco

Claiming to be the best surf school in Essaouira, and with good reason, Loving Surf has made it’s mark in Essaouira, with just over 2 years in the area. Previously located in Tarifa, Spain for over 8 years, owner and operator Younes Adarzane knows a thing or two about building and running a successful surf business. Customer satisfaction is his top priority and always offers the highest quality service and equipment for each client that joins at Loving Surf. He aims to work with the most qualified team and instructors to offer the best surf lessons, surf rentals and surf camps possible while ensuring safety and security along with a fun surf experience. Loving Surf Essaouira has been featured in various publications including Conde Nast Traveler and The Times. With over 20 years experience surfing including, as a competitive surfer who has travelled the world and speaking more than 3 languages fluently he understands what it takes for new surfers to feel welcome and safe in their surf experience. Younes and his team at Loving Surf always work to give the most memorable surfing experience in Essaouira.

Check out some of the good times at Loving Surf on their Youtube channel:

Best surf lessons, surf rentals and surf camps

With top quality surf and kite equipment including F-one Kites, Ocean and Earth, Torq, and KT Surfboards, you know the value behind your kite & surf rentals and lessons with Loving Surf. With various experienced and certified surf instructors, the team always makes sure to give you the best experience for your skill level and abilities safety with quality standards all around. The surf instructors are well spoken in English, French, Spanish and Arabic so you can understand the instructions clearly and efficiently, getting you to the next level in no time. Arrange your first lessons with Younes and his team. Loving Surf also offers surf & kite camps including accommodation, food and any activities like horseriding or a traditional hammam that you may want to add for the ultimate #lovingsurfexperience in Essaouira.

Loving Surf supports the local community

Loving Surf supports the local community and economy by supporting the businesses and surfers within it. Who knows the waves and conditions better than anyone in Essaouira than the local surfers? That’s why Loving Surf instructors are all local, experienced and certified offering the best advice and ensure top safety. The transport offer for airport shuttle is a local transport company and many surf brands such as Salt Knot and Kite Maroc sold within the shop are locally produced. Loving Surf Apparel is also made by Essaouira’s local manufacturer. Grab a Loving Surf tee after your lesson to help support the local economy and practice sustainable habits while traveling. The staff and team at Loving Surf are locals helping each other out while having a good time doing it, they will welcome you like family and share their passion for surfing with you. Furnished with local suppliers or upcycled items from the local souk, creating a unique cool surfer style. Not only that Loving Surf’s concept and Younes’s vision is different to other surf schools in Essaouira, offering coffee and breakfast. Overall a cool place to hangout for the sunset, early morning lessons or meet new surf friends.

Loving Surf Cafe

Successful surfing requires hard work, dedication and adjusting to the conditions. Surfers know how to overcome the natural fear of dangerous situations and using it to push foward and ride the waves. There is no wonder Younes knows how to change the game to keep moving forward in the surf industry despite a global pandemic. As a long time surfer and business owner, he makes it happen even in the face of hard times. Loving Surf concept is unique in Essaouira and forward thinking. Not only is Loving Surf a surf and kite school offering camps, surf lessons and rentals but also a surf shop and a cafe that serves breakfast. Get the energy you need for an early morning surf session or fueled up after a hard kite lesson while you enjoy the view or sunset. Come hangout with the crew and talk surf with the guys or meet new friends to surf with. The cafe also offers high speed wifi so a great place to put in a hour of work with your coffee. Perfect digital nomad meetup.

Loving Surf House

Looking to get away from the city, escape the chaos of covid for awhile? Check our Loving Surf House, a gated Moroccan style villa with garden and pool to enjoy. Perfect for a yoga retreat or family vacation in the countryside of Essaouira. Close to Sidi Kaouki beach and other great local surf spots, Loving Surf House is a place to really relax. Enjoy star gazing, soak in the sun by the pool or run through the argan trees. Located conveniently next to the airport, get shuttle service or book a car rental to explore Morocco on your own. Book an all inclusive week long surf or kite camp and progress your skills. Regardless, your style there is no doubt you enjoy your stay. Find peace and quiet away from the noise, with the meditative ambience of the surf villa.

Loving Surf & Sustainable Surfing

By using top quality surf & kite equipment that is well maintained ensures a long term use not only for a better experience for the guests but also to ensure minimal replacement. Importing surf equipment into Morocco is expensive, and negatively affects the environment with fuel emissions. This is why Loving Surf maintains the best quality possible with proper repairs and training for proper use to avoid damage. This always ensures that every surf and kite rental or lesson is safe but that no plastic or waste pollution enters into the ocean. As mentioned, the Loving Surf shop features upcycled decoration and local art from artists, brands made locally all reducing the emissions and helps to promote the local economy which depends heavily on tourism.

Want to book your next surf trip to Essaouira at Loving Surf? Head over to their website and you can book direct via Whatsapp or email

Learn more about travelling in Essaouira and supporting it’s economy that relies on international travel and tourism for it’s town inhabitants and the millions of people living in Morocco in the this post.

*Photos complimentary of Loving Surf Essaouira and Susan Paige Photography.

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